
I'.m trying, to imagine what the rooms there look like.I've
already seen them a thousand times,but I hardly remember
anything about them.They were big rooms.Bigger then the ones
at my other school,which isn't saying much.I remember one
w thing: about all the, rooms there and that's that they were
-all air conditioned,unlike my other school,.which had com-
pletely inoperable cooling systems,and the school was too.
cheap to fix them.I'm glad this school I'm going: to uses the
money they have for the pleasure of the students.My other
school's principal refused to let anyone spend more then
twenty dollars on a field trip,Even then,we had to pay for
everything.That school never payed for a single field trip
we, went on.Not even for the gas used in the busses.We had
to pay for everything.I'm glad I'll never have to go back
to that place.High school.Hi.gh school.I just love that word.
. I never get spoken, to anymore.lt used to be I'd get spo-^^
ken to all the time.Nowadays,I only get talked to.I'm seri-
ous.You. caji't listen to someone that's talking to you.You.
can hear them,but you can't listen to them.You can't listen
to a teacher bacause they only talk, to you.To talk to some-
one means to deliver a series of facts or to explain same-
thing.But. to speak to someone,now that's different.. When you
speak to someone,you*re giving truths on life,or you're tell-
ing the real truth about so me thing. You' re not talking: about
facts and you're not explai ni ng something.If you've just
been spoken to,you remember what you heard.You could write
an interesting storyline about someone who. speaks to you,
but not about someone that talks to you.To write about some—^^
one that, talks is to write an answer to a test question.Teach-
ers are the #li talkers.They try to speak to you and have you
learn the stuff at the same time,but it gets sorry results.
I can't learn anything from a talkie teacher.When a teacher
tries to speak-talk,everyone thinks he's crazy.I can't wait
until. I ge t spoken to again. That * 11 be something to remem-
ber for a long, time,I try to speak to people,but I usually
don.'t. have any luck because no. one wants to. be spoken to.
- Author
- mark thomas